Source code for serpextract.serpextract

"""Utilities for extracting keyword information from search engine
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
import re
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from io import TextIOWrapper

import pylru
import tldextract
from iso3166 import countries
from six import iteritems, itervalues, PY3, string_types, text_type
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs, ParseResult

# import pkg_resources
# with fallback for environments that lack it
    import pkg_resources
except ImportError:
    import os

    class pkg_resources(object):
        """Fake pkg_resources interface which falls back to getting resources
        inside `serpextract`'s directory. (thank you tldextract!)
        def resource_stream(cls, package, resource_name):
            moddir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
            f = os.path.join(moddir, resource_name)
            return open(f)

# import ujson for performance with a fallback on default json
    import ujson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

__all__ = ('get_parser', 'is_serp', 'extract', 'get_all_query_params',
           'get_all_query_params_by_domain', 'add_custom_parser',

log = logging.getLogger('serpextract')

_country_codes = [country.alpha2.lower()
                  for country in countries]
# uk is not an official ISO-3166 country code, but it's used in top-level
# domains so we add it to our list see
# for more information
_country_codes += ['uk']

# For generating possible variations of domains based
_second_level_domains = ['co', 'com']

# Cache for querystring params returned by get_all_query_params_by_domain
_qs_params = None

# A LRUCache of domains to save us from having to do lots of regex matches
_domain_cache = pylru.lrucache(500)

# Naive search engine detection.  Look for \.?search\. in the netloc and then
# try to extract using common query params
_naive_re = re.compile(r'\.?search\.')
_naive_params = ('q', 'query', 'k', 'keyword', 'term',)

def _unicode_parse_qs(qs, **kwargs):
    A wrapper around ``urlparse.parse_qs`` that converts unicode strings to
    UTF-8 to prevent ``urlparse.unquote`` from performing it's default decoding
    to latin-1 see

    :param qs:       Percent-encoded query string to be parsed.
    :type qs:        ``str``

    :param kwargs:   Other keyword args passed onto ``parse_qs``.
    if PY3 or isinstance(qs, bytes):
        # Nothing to do
        return parse_qs(qs, **kwargs)

    qs = qs.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')
    query = parse_qs(qs, **kwargs)
    unicode_query = {}
    for key in query:
        uni_key = key.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
        if uni_key == '':
            # because we ignore decode errors and only support utf-8 right now,
            # we could end up with a blank string which we ignore
        unicode_query[uni_key] = [p.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') for p in query[key]]
    return unicode_query

def _unicode_urlparse(url, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore'):
    Safely parse a URL into a :class:`urlparse.ParseResult` ensuring that
    all elements of the parse result are unicode.

    :param url:      A URL.
    :type url:       ``bytes``, ``unicode`` or :class:`urlparse.ParseResult`

    :param encoding: The string encoding assumed in the underlying ``str`` or
                     :class:`urlparse.ParseResult` (default is utf-8).
    :type encoding:  ``bytes``

    :param errors:   response from ``decode`` if string cannot be converted to
                     unicode given encoding (default is ignore).
    :type errors:    ``bytes``
    if isinstance(url, bytes):
        url = url.decode(encoding, errors)
    elif isinstance(url, ParseResult):
        # Ensure every part is unicode because we can't rely on clients to do so
        parts = list(url)
        for i in range(len(parts)):
            if isinstance(parts[i], bytes):
                parts[i] = parts[i].decode(encoding, errors)
        return ParseResult(*parts)

        return urlparse(url)
    except ValueError:
        msg = 'Malformed URL "{}" could not parse'.format(url)
        log.debug(msg, exc_info=True)
        return None

def _serp_query_string(parse_result):
    Some search engines contain the search keyword in the fragment so we
    build a version of a query string that contains the query string and
    the fragment.

    :param parse_result: A URL.
    :type parse_result:  :class:`urlparse.ParseResult`
    query = parse_result.query
    if parse_result.fragment != '':
        query = '{}&{}'.format(query, parse_result.fragment)

    return query

def _is_url_without_path_query_or_fragment(url_parts):
    Determines if a URL has a blank path, query string and fragment.

    :param url_parts: A URL.
    :type url_parts:  :class:`urlparse.ParseResult`
    return url_parts.path.strip('/') in ['', 'search'] and url_parts.query == '' \
           and url_parts.fragment == ''

_engines = None
def _get_search_engines():
    Convert the OrderedDict of search engine parsers that we get from Piwik
    to a dictionary of SearchEngineParser objects.

    Cache this thing by storing in the global ``_engines``.
    global _engines
    if _engines:
        return _engines

    piwik_engines = _get_piwik_engines()
    # Engine names are the first param of each of the search engine arrays
    # so we group by those guys, and create our new dictionary with that
    # order
    _engines = {}

    for engine_name, rule_group in iteritems(piwik_engines):
        defaults = {
            'extractor': None,
            'link_macro': None,
            'charsets': ['utf-8'],
            'hiddenkeyword': None

        for rule in rule_group:
            if any(url for url in rule['urls'] if '{}' in url):
                rule['urls'] = _expand_country_codes(rule['urls'])
            for i, domain in enumerate(rule['urls']):
                if i == 0:
                    defaults['extractor'] = rule['params']
                    if 'backlink' in rule:
                        defaults['link_macro'] = rule['backlink']
                    if 'charsets' in rule:
                        defaults['charsets'] = rule['charsets']
                    if 'hiddenkeyword' in rule:
                        defaults['hiddenkeyword'] = rule['hiddenkeyword']

                _engines[domain] = SearchEngineParser(engine_name,

    return _engines

def _expand_country_codes(urls):
    urls = set(urls) if isinstance(urls, list) else {urls}
    expanded_urls = {url.format(country_code) for url in urls
                     for country_code in _country_codes}
    expanded_urls.update({url.format(second_level_domain + '.' + cc_sub_domain)
                          for url in urls
                          for cc_sub_domain in _country_codes
                          for second_level_domain in _second_level_domains
                          if not url[-1].isalnum()})
    return expanded_urls

def _get_piwik_engines():
    Return the search engine parser definitions stored in this module. We don't
    cache this result since it's only supposed to be called once.
    stream = pkg_resources.resource_stream
    with stream(__name__, 'search_engines.json') as json_stream:
        if PY3:
            if hasattr(json_stream, 'buffer'):
                json_stream = TextIOWrapper(json_stream.buffer, encoding='utf-8')
                json_stream = TextIOWrapper(json_stream, encoding='utf-8')
        _piwik_engines = json.load(json_stream)
    return _piwik_engines

[docs]class ExtractResult(object): __slots__ = ('engine_name', 'keyword', 'parser') def __init__(self, engine_name, keyword, parser): self.engine_name = engine_name self.keyword = keyword self.parser = parser def __repr__(self): repr_fmt = 'ExtractResult(engine_name={!r}, keyword={!r}, parser={!r})' return repr_fmt.format(self.engine_name, self.keyword, self.parser)
[docs]class SearchEngineParser(object): """Handles persing logic for a single line in Piwik's list of search engines. Piwik's list for reference: This class is not used directly since it already assumes you know the exact search engine you want to use to parse a URL. The main interface for users of this module is the :func:`extract` method. """ __slots__ = ('engine_name', 'keyword_extractor', 'link_macro', 'charsets', 'hidden_keyword_paths') def __init__(self, engine_name, keyword_extractor, link_macro, charsets, hidden_keyword_paths=None): """New instance of a :class:`SearchEngineParser`. :param engine_name: the friendly name of the engine (e.g. 'Google') :param keyword_extractor: a string or list of keyword extraction methods for this search engine. If a single string, we assume we're extracting a query string param, if it's a string that starts with '/' then we extract from the path instead of query string :param link_macro: a string indicating how to build a link to the search engine results page for a given keyword :param charsets: a string or list of charsets to use to decode the keyword :param hidden_keywords_paths: an optional list of strings (that may contain regular expressions) describing valid paths for the search engine that may not contain any keywords. Regular expressions are expected to be surround by `/` characters. """ self.engine_name = engine_name if isinstance(keyword_extractor, string_types): keyword_extractor = [keyword_extractor] self.keyword_extractor = keyword_extractor[:] for i, extractor in enumerate(self.keyword_extractor): # Pre-compile all the regular expressions if extractor.startswith('/'): extractor = extractor.strip('/') extractor = re.compile(extractor) self.keyword_extractor[i] = extractor self.link_macro = link_macro if isinstance(charsets, string_types): charsets = [charsets] self.charsets = [c.lower() for c in charsets] if hidden_keyword_paths: self.hidden_keyword_paths = hidden_keyword_paths[:] else: self.hidden_keyword_paths = [] for i, path in enumerate(self.hidden_keyword_paths): # Pre-compile all the regular expressions if len(path) > 1 and path.startswith('/') and path.endswith('/'): path = path[1:-1] path = re.compile(path) self.hidden_keyword_paths[i] = path
[docs] def get_serp_url(self, base_url, keyword): """ Get a URL to a SERP for a given keyword. :param base_url: String of format ``'<scheme>://<netloc>'``. :type base_url: ``str`` :param keyword: Search engine keyword. :type keyword: ``str`` :returns: a URL that links directly to a SERP for the given keyword. """ if self.link_macro is None: return None link = '{}/{}'.format(base_url, self.link_macro.format(k=keyword)) return link
[docs] def parse(self, url_parts): """ Parse a SERP URL to extract the search keyword. :param serp_url: The SERP URL :type serp_url: A :class:`urlparse.ParseResult` with all elements as unicode :returns: An :class:`ExtractResult` instance. """ original_query = _serp_query_string(url_parts) query = _unicode_parse_qs(original_query, keep_blank_values=True) keyword = None engine_name = self.engine_name if engine_name == 'Google Images' or \ (engine_name == 'Google' and '/imgres' in original_query): # When using Google's image preview mode, it hides the keyword # within the prev query string param which itself contains a # path and query string # e.g. &prev=/search%3Fq%3Dimages%26sa%3DX%26biw%3D320%26bih%3D416%26tbm%3Disch engine_name = 'Google Images' if 'prev' in query: query = _unicode_parse_qs(_unicode_urlparse(query['prev'][0]).query) elif engine_name == 'Google' and 'as_' in original_query: # Google has many different ways to filter results. When some of # these filters are applied, we can no longer just look for the q # parameter so we look at additional query string arguments and # construct a keyword manually keys = [] # Results should contain all of the words entered # Search Operator: None (same as normal search) key = query.get('as_q') if key: keys.append(key[0]) # Results should contain any of these words # Search Operator: <keyword> [OR <keyword>]+ key = query.get('as_oq') if key: key = key[0].replace('+', ' OR ') keys.append(key) # Results should match the exact phrase # Search Operator: "<keyword>" key = query.get('as_epq') if key: keys.append('"{}"'.format(key[0])) # Results should contain none of these words # Search Operator: -<keyword> key = query.get('as_eq') if key: keys.append('-{}'.format(key[0])) keyword = ' '.join(keys).strip() if engine_name == 'Google': # Check for usage of Google's top bar menu tbm = query.get('tbm', [None])[0] if tbm == 'isch': engine_name = 'Google Images' elif tbm == 'vid': engine_name = 'Google Video' elif tbm == 'shop': engine_name = 'Google Shopping' if keyword is not None: # Edge case found a keyword, exit quickly return ExtractResult(engine_name, keyword, self) # Otherwise we keep looking through the defined extractors for extractor in self.keyword_extractor: if not isinstance(extractor, string_types): # Regular expression extractor match = if match: keyword = break else: # Search for keywords in query string if extractor in query: # Take the last param in the qs because it should be the # most recent keyword = query[extractor][-1] # Now we have to check for a tricky case where it is a SERP but # there are no keywords if keyword == '': keyword = False if keyword is not None: break # if no keyword found, but empty/hidden keywords are allowed if self.hidden_keyword_paths and (keyword is None or keyword is False): path_with_query_and_frag = url_parts.path if url_parts.query: path_with_query_and_frag += '?{}'.format(url_parts.query) if url_parts.fragment: path_with_query_and_frag += '#{}'.format(url_parts.fragment) for path in self.hidden_keyword_paths: if not isinstance(path, string_types): if keyword = False break elif path == path_with_query_and_frag: keyword = False break if keyword is not None: # Replace special placeholder with blank string if keyword is False: keyword = '' return ExtractResult(engine_name, keyword, self)
def __repr__(self): repr_fmt = ("SearchEngineParser(engine_name={!r}, " "keyword_extractor={!r}, link_macro={!r}, charsets={!r}, " "hidden_keywords={!r})") return repr_fmt.format(self.engine_name, self.keyword_extractor, self.link_macro, self.charsets, self.hidden_keyword_paths)
[docs]def add_custom_parser(match_rule, parser): """ Add a custom search engine parser to the cached ``_engines`` list. :param match_rule: A match rule which is used by :func:`get_parser` to look up a parser for a given domain/path. :type match_rule: ``unicode`` :param parser: A custom parser. :type parser: :class:`SearchEngineParser` """ assert isinstance(match_rule, text_type) assert isinstance(parser, SearchEngineParser) global _engines _get_search_engines() # Ensure that the default engine list is loaded _engines[match_rule] = parser
[docs]def get_all_query_params(): """ Return all the possible query string params for all search engines. :returns: a ``list`` of all the unique query string parameters that are used across the search engine definitions. """ engines = _get_search_engines() all_params = set() for parser in itervalues(engines): # Find non-regex params params = {param for param in parser.keyword_extractor if isinstance(param, string_types)} all_params |= params return list(all_params)
[docs]def get_all_query_params_by_domain(): """ Return all the possible query string params for all search engines. :returns: a ``list`` of all the unique query string parameters that are used across the search engine definitions. """ global _qs_params if _qs_params: return _qs_params engines = _get_search_engines() param_dict = defaultdict(list) for domain, parser in iteritems(engines): # Find non-regex params params = {param for param in parser.keyword_extractor if isinstance(param, string_types)} tld_res = tldextract.extract(domain) domain = tld_res.registered_domain param_dict[domain] = sorted(set(param_dict[domain]) | params) _qs_params = param_dict return param_dict
[docs]def get_parser(referring_url): """ Utility function to find a parser for a referring URL if it is a SERP. :param referring_url: Suspected SERP URL. :type referring_url: ``str`` or :class:`urlparse.ParseResult` :returns: :class:`SearchEngineParser` object if one exists for URL, ``None`` otherwise. """ engines = _get_search_engines() url_parts = _unicode_urlparse(referring_url) if url_parts is None: return None query = _serp_query_string(url_parts) domain = url_parts.netloc path = url_parts.path engine_key = url_parts.netloc stripped_domain = domain[4:] if domain.startswith('www.') else None # Try to find a parser in the engines list. We go from most specific to # least specific order: # 1. <domain><path> # 2. <custom search engines> # 3. <domain> # 4. <stripped_domain> # The second step has some special exceptions for things like Google custom # search engines, yahoo and yahoo images if '{}{}'.format(domain, path) in engines: engine_key = '{}{}'.format(domain, path) elif domain not in engines and stripped_domain not in engines: if query[:14] == 'cx=partner-pub': # Google custom search engine engine_key = '' elif url_parts.path[:28] == '/pemonitorhosted/ws/results/': # private-label search powered by InfoSpace Metasearch engine_key = '' elif '' in url_parts.netloc: # Yahoo! Images engine_key = '' elif '' in url_parts.netloc: # Yahoo! engine_key = '' else: return None return engines.get(engine_key) or engines.get(stripped_domain)
[docs]def is_serp(referring_url, parser=None, use_naive_method=False): """ Utility function to determine if a referring URL is a SERP. :param referring_url: Suspected SERP URL. :type referring_url: str or urlparse.ParseResult :param parser: A search engine parser. :type parser: :class:`SearchEngineParser` instance or ``None``. :param use_naive_method: Whether or not to use a naive method of search engine detection in the event that a parser does not exist for the given ``referring_url``. See :func:`extract` for more information. :type use_naive_method: ``True`` or ``False`` :returns: ``True`` if SERP, ``False`` otherwise. """ res = extract(referring_url, parser=parser, use_naive_method=use_naive_method) return res is not None
[docs]def extract(serp_url, parser=None, lower_case=True, trimmed=True, collapse_whitespace=True, use_naive_method=False): """ Parse a SERP URL and return information regarding the engine name, keyword and :class:`SearchEngineParser`. :param serp_url: Suspected SERP URL to extract a keyword from. :type serp_url: ``str`` or :class:`urlparse.ParseResult` :param parser: Optionally pass in a parser if already determined via call to get_parser. :type parser: :class:`SearchEngineParser` :param lower_case: Lower case the keyword. :type lower_case: ``True`` or ``False`` :param trimmed: Trim keyword leading and trailing whitespace. :type trimmed: ``True`` or ``False`` :param collapse_whitespace: Collapse 2 or more ``\s`` characters into one space ``' '``. :type collapse_whitespace: ``True`` or ``False`` :param use_naive_method: In the event that a parser doesn't exist for the given ``serp_url``, attempt to find an instance of ``_naive_re_pattern`` in the netloc of the ``serp_url``. If found, try to extract a keyword using ``_naive_params``. :type use_naive_method: ``True`` or ``False`` :returns: an :class:`ExtractResult` instance if ``serp_url`` is valid, ``None`` otherwise """ # Software should only work with Unicode strings internally, converting # to a particular encoding on output. url_parts = _unicode_urlparse(serp_url) if url_parts is None: return None result = None if parser is None: parser = get_parser(url_parts) if parser is None: if not use_naive_method: return None # Tried to get keyword from non SERP URL # Try to use naive method of detection if query = _unicode_parse_qs(url_parts.query, keep_blank_values=True) for param in _naive_params: if param in query: tld_res = tldextract.extract(url_parts.netloc) return ExtractResult(tld_res.domain, query[param][0], None) return None # Naive method could not detect a keyword either result = parser.parse(url_parts) if result is None: return None if lower_case: result.keyword = result.keyword.lower() if trimmed: result.keyword = result.keyword.strip() if collapse_whitespace: result.keyword = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', result.keyword, re.UNICODE) return result
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Parse a SERP URL to extract engine name and keyword.') parser.add_argument('input', metavar='url', type=text_type, nargs='*', help='A potential SERP URL') parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', default=False, action='store_true', help='Print a list of all the SearchEngineParsers.') args = parser.parse_args() if args.list: engines = _get_search_engines() engines = sorted(iteritems(engines), key=lambda x: x[1].engine_name) print('{:<30}{}'.format('Fuzzy Domain', 'Parser')) for fuzzy_domain, parser in engines: print('{:<30}{}'.format(fuzzy_domain, parser)) print('{} parsers.'.format(len(engines))) sys.exit(0) if len(args.input) == 0: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) escape_quotes = lambda s: re.sub(r'"', '\\"', s) for url in args.input: res = extract(url) if res is None: res = ['""', '""'] else: res = [escape_quotes(res.engine_name), escape_quotes(res.keyword)] res = ['"{}"'.format(r) for r in res] print(','.join(res)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()